Meg Hemmings: Writer, Stylist, Traveller - Meg Hemmings Document Meg Hemmings: Writer, Stylist, Traveller - Meg Hemmings

From one Megan to another

How many of us can say that we’ve found ourselves literally?

About meg:

Writer, Stylist, Traveller.

Meg Hemmings is a queer writer who moves house more often than most people change their sheets. Maxi dress obsessive and epic road trip devotee, Meg writes memoir, prose, and pithy copy. She lives with a chronic illness and is working on her first novel.

Latest articles

Guess who's back? Back again. Meg is back. Tell your friends.

Almost 3 years on from the pandemic, I am sitting on my parents’ farm in Tasmania, figuring out what is next for me.

Sep 2017

Becoming Megan in Mittagong

Sep 2017

Foodie's day out in the Bitchin' Barossa

Aug 2017

Wading through Wollongong

Aug 2017

Beatrix Potter's Hill Top Farm, Cumbria

Aug 2017

Nutmeg & Naps in North Adelaide

5 Movies For Curing Homesickness

Bangin’ Burgers at Pablos, Victoria Lane, Belfast

...We sat outside on a park bench, on a chilly Saturday eve, sauce running down our chins and hands, unable to speak because the deliciousness of our burgers was word-jumbling.

Sunny Sawtell

I’ve never been much of a beach person (don’t ask me why we moved here), but something about this town, that beach, made me long for it when I wasn’t there.

Blissful Bellingen

I think back on this particular day and I feel like my memories are being played through a mellow Instagram filter. This day was one of the most perfect I’ve had.

From one Megan to another

How many of us can say that we’ve found ourselves literally?

Melancholy in Melbourne

Have you ever woken up confused and alone? You’re thinking, how did I get here? What happened to me yesterday? What strange bed am I in? Yeah me too. Although not in the way you think.

Cookbook Review: Julia & Marian

Four years after buying ‘Mastering the art of french cooking’, I was working as a pastry apprentice expecting to be loving every moment but truly hating it instead. The book that became my salvation during this period was ‘Saved by Cake’, by Marian Keyes.

Essay: Jane Eyre and feminism

...Jane’s humble and tragic beginnings as a lonely orphan, develop into that of a strong, independent, and intelligent woman, capable of following her own path, working and supporting herself, and without the need to be defined by another person

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